Matt Reeves

SVP, Homeland, Commerce & Justice Portfolio

Matt Reevesbrings over 20 years of leadership and operations experience to the Steampunk team. Matt’s career in federal IT services started at Agilex. Throughout his career, Matt has led teams in the successful delivery and growth of accounts across a wide breadth of federal clients and within a diverse depth of technical capabilities.

Here at Steampunk, Matt sets the pace for our delivery and operations within our Homeland, Commerce & Justice portfolio. Leveraging his leadership and delivery experience, Matt works directly with clients and teams to focus on providing human-centric business value and efficient support for our mission customers.

When Matt is not working with his teams or clients, he enjoys spending time with his family.

What musician, album, or song best describes what working at Steampunk means to you?

Les Misérables has captured my imagination and intrigue from an early age. Like Steampunk, the title forces one to pause and dive a bit deeper to determine the purpose for such a bold name. Les Mis reminds us that in every generation there are people who strive to disrupt the status quo and change the trajectory of their lives and the lives of those around them. In Les Mis, I find a storyline that places People @ the Core of a journey where they are forced to Thrive Being Uncomfortable and persevere to find the goodness in life. Heroes are empowered with mythic like status who Set the Pace of change for their generation. In a far lesser extent, but no less noble, this album always reminds me that I need to be humble, work hard, and never accept that today is as good as it’s going to get.